10 Reasons To Love Our Creative Communications Group

Parent Harshita runs a brilliant blog Autism in the city and facebook group, giving an insight into what it is like to have a child with Autism in the City of London and beyond.   

Her son attends our Creative Communications Group which runs every Thursday during term time.  The group is a fun and safe place for children with social communication difficulties to meet other children and try new creative activities. 

Inspired by her recent facebook post, we caught up with her to find out 10 reasons why her son keeps coming back to the group! 


Every week he is welcomed by great staff who smile and accept him how he is with all his quirks! 

Not judged

It’s lovely for him to be in space where he is not judged, he can be himself and doesn’t have to sit down and behave in a structured space.   

Can be himself

Having the flexibility to be himself is really important as he is very perceptive of people’s moods. If he doesn’t want to do something it’s fine. 

Take part in an after school activity

Where we live there is nothing for SEN kids so its a 30-minute walk for us, which is a sensory challenge for him but it is worth it.    

Create his art

He has always liked to express himself through art and likes doing repetitive designs.  It’s nice to see him expand his experiences using different art media.  

Practice independence skills

The travel training on the way here is also part of the experience as it gives him routine and structure. When he arrives he says hello to everybody and sees the timetable.  But also every week is different and gives him varied experiences – which he should have like any other child.  

Develop friendships

He gets to see familiar faces each week as well as seeing the facilitators Hazel, Jack and all the staff who are friends to him too! 

Build his confidence

I’ve noticed since we have started the art class and now he is familiar with space it is something he looks forward too and walks here with a purpose.    

Eat popcorn

Like most people, snacks are very important! With his sensory needs, he needs to chew something to process information.  Popcorn or crunchy food like carrots and celery really regulates his mood which we bring along with us to the class.  

He is a competition winner 

HCA Snowman Christmas Card

Last term he entered HCA’s Christmas card competition and was picked as one of the winners for his design ‘snowman’. I’m very proud!    

For more info about our Creative Communications and other arts activities check out our activities calendar. 

To purchase our christmas cards with all funds going back into running click HCA services like this one head to our Etsy shop or email admin@holborncommunity.co.uk.  


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