#MentalHealthAwarenessWeek – Cards for connection

Cards for connection HCAAs part of Mental Health Awareness week we want to encourage you to make a card to reconnect with someone. On Tuesday we set the 64 Million Artists #CreatetoConnect challenge, and we loved seeing everyone’s responses. 

We’re asked people to make a card to connect with someone, that could be a friend or family member they miss, or just a neighbour that they think might need a smile. Just create a bright and cheerful card with a nice message, and pop it in the post or through their door.

We’ve collected some of the responses you all shared on social media, but would still love you to get involved. If you’re not sure how or what to make, Hazel has made a little collage card making tutorial, which you can find on our Instagram IGTV channel.


We’d love to see your cards, and hear your stories of reconnection. Get in touch via email 1aarts@holborncommunity.co.uk or via instagram @hca_1aarts or twitter @HCANews.


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