Just launched! #activeHCA

HCA this Autumn is launching our #activeHCA theme, showcasing the brilliant ‘active activities’ we run and celebrating the amazing people who take part in them.    

The theme will run from September to October half term.  We will be sharing stories, stats and insights on all things being active across our facebook / twitter, website and our bi-monthly newsletter using the #activeHCA hashtag. 

We asked our Director, Paul Crozier about what being active means to HCA: 

“We’re big believers in the power of sport to change people’s lives, with sport and physical activity being a part of HCA for a long time.  

Our gymnastics, taekwondo and ballet are central to that and are probably what most people think of our ‘sport’ offer. 

What you might not realise is quite how many ‘active activities’ we do – from under 5’s running around in soft play, through to women’s only yoga and tai chi and gardening for the over 55’s.  

Across all those programmes we’re not just interested in the sport itself.  Taking part develops people’s skills and improves their health but it also brings them together, creates new friendships and offers new opportunities for people from our community.  

As we focus on sport and physical activity for the next couple of months, we hope you’re encouraged to try something new – for yourself, with family or friends.”  

With new activities coming soon this Autumn, such as our intergenerational sports day, a new walking club and us taking part in the second Great Ormond Street Play Street – we can’t wait to share all we have to offer in the new term.  

We are also partnering up with Camden’s We Can Move campaign – celebrating all the ways people in Camden are fitting movement into their daily lives.

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