Meet our fundraisers: HCA team

We are almost at the end of week two of our 101 Christmas Appeal and we’ve just hit 37% of our target! We spoke to 3 HCA Staff who’ve taken on their own movement 101 fundraising challenge to find out about their own personal challenges. Donate to our campaign here.

Eleanor’s 101 lengths in 60 minute

“My challenge will be swimming 101 lengths of an indoor 25-metre pool in 60 minutes.  I will also be counting the lengths swam in my head which, to be honest, is just as big a challenge as the swim itself! The training has been waylaid the past week with thanks to one of those colds that are going about BUT once I’m back in the pool I will do a mixture of shorter speed swimming and longer distanced timed swims.  My challenge will take place during the last week of the campaign to give me maximum training time”

Andy’s 101-minute Cycle Commute

“I’ll be cycling 101 minutes from Holborn House toward my home in Essex. My usual commute is by train into London Liverpool Street and home again at the end of the day. For this challenge, I am going to see how near I can get to my home in 101 minutes by cycling from Holborn House. If I can get halfway I would have done well!  I’m preparing for my challenge by studying lots of google maps.  My challenge takes place on Monday 3rd January, I think I have a better chance by doing it in daylight on a bank holiday!” 

Hazel’s 101 Slow Triathlon

“I’m taking on my own version of a triathlon, I’ll swim 101 lengths, cycle 101 miles and walk 101 miles in 30 days. I haven’t been in a pool for a long time, and my bike has been gathering dust for the last few months, so getting out and about is going to be a challenge! I’m preparing by trying to walk everywhere and digging out my swimming costume! My challenge takes place between the 1st – 31st December.”


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