Meet our fundraisers: Holborn Aqua Fit 101 Challenge

The Holborn Aqua Fit group have met up weekly for over 20 years to get active in the pool. This year they have taken on 101 fundraising challenge for Holborn Community Association’s winter appeal.  With a target of £250 to raise we spoke to members Linda and Roselind to find out more: 
Linda: “We’re going to do 101 Aquafit movements, hopefully in one session.  I think the biggest challenge will be to have the stamina to just get through it – our sessions are certainly no gentle stroll in the park and Elena, our lovely instructor, takes no prisoners!  HCA gives so much vital support to the whole community, whatever the age, and especially so during the pandemic. Physical activity is important at any time but especially as we age or in helping us in our recovery from illness or surgery.  Our Aquafit group also supplies support, friendship, fun, laughter and community spirit through the good and bad times in our lives.”

Roselind: “Basically the session originated about 20 years ago when a much-valued post office on Lamb’s Conduit St was converted into a private gym as part of the statutory agreement whereby developers contribute to the local community. When the gym concreted over their swimming pool we fought hard to find another venue and eventually Nuffield Health offered us a home. At first, HCA provided the teacher we had had for most of the time at the previous gym (Suzanne) but when Suzanne retired Nuffield provided the wonderful Elena (shown in the picture on the left).  There are about 25 on the roll but at the moment numbers are limited to 10-12 because of COVID. We are devoted to our class and our classmates – meeting regularly as a group for a Christmas lunch. The benefits we all get from the class in terms of health and companionship are incalculable!”

Could you help the Holborn Aqua Fit group hit their target? Donate to their JustGiving page here

Find out more about HCA’s 101 Fundraising Challenge campaign: 




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