HCA’s COVID-19 Impact Report

At the end of March, we took the difficult decision to close buildings, activities and sessions due to the Covid-19 pandemic and quickly had to adapt to support our community in new ways.  

This support developed into 3 different strands: 

  • Telephone Befriending 
  • Doorstep Help, support for vulnerable people
  • ApArt CLUB, online Arts Programme

Our bite-sized COVID-19 impact report we hope gives you an insight into what we have done over the past few months.  We couldn’t have achieved our response without working closely with other local organisations, volunteers, staff and our community.  

This work was also made possible because of flexibility from existing funders, emergency funding from others and generous donations.  

Our support is not finished and it will continue to run as lockdown eases, as well as us working to bring activities back to you.   

Behind the scenes, we have been preparing for our return, with some activities reopening.  Making sure you can feel confident that our activities and centres are as safe as can be, adapting to the current Public Health England guidelines.        

Click here to read the report

To keep up to date with all our plans sign up to our mailing list and you call follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.  

Donate today and help us to support our community in Holborn.  


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