teams: messy play
what is it?
On specific days we give over our main hall in the centre to messy play – thats 128 square metres of space for children to play. We set up the space so children can ‘go big’ with large scale painting at floor level, get their hands into a range of materials and explore different ways to stimulate their senses. It’s not just about getting messy – its about exploring use of space, being free to to do that and respond to a range of sensory stimulation.
Parents/carers come along with their children – we’ll be looking for volunteers to man different messy stations, play
Help cleaning up is going to be needed too!
Dates: TBC
Times: 0900-1230
Location: Holborn House Community Centre, 35 Emerald Street. London, WC1N 3QW
For: up to 10 volunteers who want to have fun and play (and not averse to getting a bit messy)
Cost: £450
Register your interest: