Walking Home for HCA – Hazel’s 200 miles fundraising challenge

Hazel East is our Community Arts Manager. She shares with us her experience of fundraising for Holborn Community Association:

In the run-up to Christmas, I decided to walk 200 miles in a month to raise money for HCA’s Community Response Appeal. This was a big challenge for me as this was the furthest I walked in that kind of time and had a lot of challenges. Getting up early to do walks before work was quite hard, motivating myself to get out despite the weather being bad because of the time year was quite tricky. Every day was quite foggy and something I hadn’t expected! Aside from the challenges, there were so many highlights. It was lovely to walk with so many new people. I walk with the ladies from HCA’s Walking Group, I walked with friends and families. I also got to see different areas of London (this was pre lockdown), I was travelling to different places for work. I saw lots of amazing sunrises and lots of amazing sunsets. It was really lovely to take the time to explore London whilst knowing I was doing it for a great cause. It also helped me to get nice and fit before Christmas which was a bit of a bonus. I shared what I was doing on social media and it was a really great way to connect with friends and family. I got so many lovely messages and so many people supported me. I raised £1060 for HCA’s Community Response Appeal, which was far more than I thought I could! I just want to say you can do it too. Choose something that is a massive challenge for you and share your progress, don’t be afraid to ask people will support you and get behind you. Grab your trainers, your bike, go swimming – whatever it is and just do it!

Holborn Community Association has been a vital part of the local community for over 30 years. Our warm, welcoming approach is based on bringing people together and learning in a fun environment – which sees us support 2500+ people per year.

To find out more about fundraising for HCA get in touch with us at admin@holborncommunity.co.uk


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